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How do you clean a dog's water fountain?-petwant.com

Nov 08,2023 | petwant


Maintaining a clean water source is crucial for your dog's health, and a pet water fountain can be a convenient way to provide a continuous supply of fresh water. In this article, we'll explore the steps to ensure your dog's water fountain stays pristine through regular cleaning, promoting optimal hydration and well-being.

I. Gather Your Cleaning Supplies:

Mild Soap or Pet-Safe Cleaner:
Choose a mild soap or a pet-safe fountain cleaner to avoid any harmful residues.
Soft Brush:
A soft brush or toothbrush will help scrub away debris and deposits.
Vinegar or Baking Soda:
Natural cleaning agents like vinegar or baking soda can be effective for removing stubborn stains and odors.

II. Regular Cleaning Routine:

Daily Wipe Down:
Wipe down the exterior of the water fountain daily to remove any visible dirt or saliva.
Weekly Deep Clean:
Disassemble the fountain and perform a more thorough cleaning at least once a week to prevent bacterial growth.

III. Disassemble the Fountain:

Unplug and Empty:
Before disassembling, unplug the fountain and empty any remaining water.
Separate Components:
Take apart the fountain components, such as the pump, filter, and water bowl.

IV. Scrub and Rinse:

Scrub with Mild Soap:
Use the soft brush and mild soap to scrub the interior and exterior surfaces of each component.
Rinse Thoroughly:
Rinse each part thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.

V. Address Stubborn Stains and Odors:

Vinegar Soak:
For stubborn stains or odors, soak the components in a mixture of water and vinegar for a few hours.
Baking Soda Paste:
Create a paste with baking soda and water to scrub away tough stains, then rinse thoroughly.

VI. Inspect and Replace Filters:

Filter Examination:
Check the condition of the water fountain filter. If it's discolored or clogged, replace it with a new one.
Follow Manufacturer Guidelines:
Adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines for the recommended filter replacement schedule.

VII. Reassemble and Refill:

Assemble Components:
Once all components are clean and dry, reassemble the water fountain.
Refill with Fresh Water:
Fill the fountain with fresh water, ensuring the water level is appropriate.

FAQ Section:

Q1: How often should I clean my dog's water fountain?
It's recommended to perform a thorough cleaning of your dog's water fountain at least once a week. Daily wipe-downs and regular filter replacement contribute to ongoing cleanliness.

Q2: Can I use regular dish soap to clean the fountain?
Yes, you can use a mild dish soap. However, it's advisable to choose a pet-safe cleaner to ensure there are no residues that could be harmful to your dog.

Q3: How do I clean the pump of the water fountain?
Disassemble the pump and clean it using a soft brush. If there are stubborn deposits, soak the pump in a vinegar solution for a few hours before scrubbing.


A clean water fountain ensures that your dog has access to fresh and safe hydration. By following a regular cleaning routine and addressing any stains or odors promptly, you contribute to your furry friend's overall health and well-being.

